Coming soon to Urban Turtle
For Urban Turtle, new year means new features to come. To pique your interest we want to share some of the upcoming features we have in mind for 2016.
Winter 2016 : Feature Board
The Feature Board is a new feature which is a very nice addition to our multi-level Product Management and Roadmap view. This feature is mostly intended for the Product Owners and stakeholders. It will offer visibility on high level development progression and be an easy way for Product Owners to see their product development plan.
The Feature Board will provide all important progression metrics and stats for the management team involved in your project. Also it will be 100% configurable: columns, cards, work in progress limits, views, filters, areas, etc. Everything will be displayed as you intend it. You will have the opportunity to customize your workflow so you can follow your feature progression in your organisation. Interesting, isn’t it?
Custom Board Revamp
Since we are adding these elements, they’ll be applied to the revamp of our actual Custom Board coming this spring! All that to provide an all around good experience throughout Urban Turtle tabs.
Spring 2016 : Daily Mode
The Urban Turtle team probably face the same challenges as you do everyday, and one of them is the Daily Stand Up. One question that often comes up is: how can we have more efficient, interesting and insightful daily meetings? According to our discussions with you and some Agilists, we are not the only ones having the same question. Yeah… the Sprint Backlog is “okay” for the daily, but what about a new feature that could provide better visibility on the progression of your stories, better navigation and a give you some isights and warnings on what’s going on in the sprint.
That’s what we want to offer in our Daily Mode feature: a new screen dedicated for daily. This screen will show a lot of useful information to focus on the sprint goal and the completion of the stories. Everything within this feature will be configurable to fit your reality and your needs. That’s exciting and it will be unique in the market!
The development of these features are certainly our main focus for the beginning of 2016. We will also continue to improve our current features and answer all your questions.
Now that you are aware of what we are planning for the coming months for Urban Turlte, stay tuned to know when we will release those amazing new features. Even if we have a plan for the next months, we would also like to know what are your suggestions for Urban Turtle. We are eager to have your input and invite you to share your wishlist with us and our community.
By the way, this is not all for 2016, we have many more surprises to come!