Play The Urban Turtle Product Owner Game
Now that the product is gaining in popularity, we get more and more feedback and requests. Our challenge is to make sure the product backlog is prioritized optimally to deliver you guys maximum value through our monthly release cycle.
To help us achieve this, we recently started asking people to prioritize their requests by focusing on their #1 feature for improvement.
This is how it goes: Let's imagine you are driving the Urban Turtle team and, for a moment, you are the product owner. The team is yours for a sprint. What is the most important improvement to make? Which user story should we implement? Tell us what need to be added (or removed) to the product. This is your chance.
Of course, you can add a comment to this blog, but the best way to make a suggestion is by sharing your idea on our community site. Through the community site, others can vote for your ideas and increase their priority. Just make sure that you add "#1" in the idea description.
We want to hear from you. Help us make the turtle sprint a little faster in the right direction ... Play The Urban Turtle product owner game with us.